Climate Change Is Big Work

 ‘Tis the season for watches and warnings. Storms this time of year can be wild. My Alexa lights up multiple times a day with warnings of this and that. In New York City, the storm seems to come out of nowhere - it's over your head without any understanding. In a Texas sky, you can see the whole thing from start to finish. You can often stand there and see the whole thing and reflect on the whole system- like you're viewing it from another world.

Like a New York City storm, climate change may seem like it arrived out of nowhere. But, did it, or have we been standing under a Texas sky the whole time watching it roll in? At what point did we become part of the storm – the droplets falling on top of us, the thunder and lightning striking all around? I think it’s a mixture of both, but I think it’s safe to say we are in the middle of the climate change storm.

So, what now?

E&C, 2016, Amagansett- squished in together much in the same way as they were squished in our bed during the thunderstorm 2 weeks ago.

We get to work. One change begets another and another and another. For us, that starts with kelp. Kelp protects eroding shorelines, nourishes shellfish growth, enhances biodiversity, and so much more. Also, the forests that form when growing kelp combines together allows our seas to take a collective breath, which helps to fight our Earth’s warming. Kelp is like an umbrella; it can protect our environment from the storm. But, it only works if we commit to providing the support it needs.

Altering the storm that is climate change is more than just growing kelp. It's about changing the system and pausing our own ponderings about whether or not the storm has arrived. Instead, we need to grab hold and realize the time to create an impact is now; the time to restore is now. Together, we can push the needle toward health, safety, yes, more, and right now. Like the droplets that combine together in a storm, together we can march forward into uncertainty and create our own certain impact. It starts today with us; it starts today when we plant the first seed and change our own hearts and beliefs about climate change.

Let’s resolve to plant, harvest, and celebrate kelp together. Let’s resolve to care for our planet like we carefully and passionately care for our children. Let’s zoom in and gather each stipe, blade-by-blade, as Justin and I did earlier this year and resolve to find some order in the disorder. Day after day, we will create a new structure as we undo our past forms. We will no longer be surprised when the storm arrives because we will act to combat climate change as though we understand we’re under the same sky, working diligently to prepare safely.

Climate change is big work.

It’s worth it. For them. For you. For us. Always.

Emily & Calvin at John’s Drive In - Montauk, 2018

wendy moore