Grow with us!

  • For New Growers Seeking A Lease/License/Grant

    New grow-out areas are difficult to find. There are waiting lists for licenses and leases in the Towns of Islip and Brookhaven. New leases are in demand in the Peconic and Gardiners Bays; check here for the County’s program. Existing leases and grants are occasionally offered for private sale. Seaweed is not currently permitted in these waters but will be soon. For those who are considering state waters (the Long Island Sound and the Block Island Sound), state law does not currently permit the cultivation of seaweed.

  • For Growers with existing leases or grants in peconic and gardiners bays

    The NYS Legislature just passed a new law that makes seaweed farming in Peconic and Gardiners Bays legal. The next step is for the County and the DEC to prepare the necessary regulatory framework and permitting guidelines. We do not have an estimate on when this will be completed, but we hope all may be ready for the upcoming season (2024-2025).

  • For Growers with Existing Licenses or Leases in the towns of Islip and Brookhaven

    You may apply for a Macroalgae Permit to add commercial seaweed cultivation to your site. The application is a complete off-bottom culture permit filing to the NYSDEC, USACOE, NYSDOS, and the Coast Guard.